Friday, December 18, 2015

A creative Christmas

   It's now that time of year when everything seems just that little bit more hectic & rushed trying to cram everything into the day that just seems to go by so fast.. From finishing work with a list in your head of a thousand things to do but you end up sitting down with a cup of tea not actually doing anything on that list.. This is me the majority of the time because when it's December I appreciate  a long hot soak in the bath throwing on some pjs & watching a good film. BUT my one main weakness during this month is candles I can't get enough of them! Last year my mum got me a Yankee candle advent Calendar 24 candles with a new smell everyday, it became pretty addictive. So this year I decided to approach a different kind of Calendar as my mum had already got me a '12 days of Christmas candle box'. I believe it was from Asda they are simply little scented candles with numbers on the front with a different scent for the whole 12 days leading up to Christmas.. So I decided not to just burn them next to my bed day by day but to create a corner where I can burn the candle & have a Christmas theme to go along with it. I thought I would share it & see what you guys thought of this idea there are new photos of my creative corner on my Instagram everyday I really think this is a cute & cheerful way to lead up to Christmas Day. 

Wrapped up an old shoe box & two smaller boxes to create day 2.
This was a German biscuit tin my nanny gave me I've always loved this box & with some old rope lights I created day 3.  

My little cute fairy tree topper had to make it in there alongside some tree decorations for day 4.
Thank you for reading.
If you would like to see the rest of the countdown go over to my Instagram page for my daily upload @Paigardner xx 

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