Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My 2016 List

As its now 2016 I've come up with a few 'New Year promises to myself'. Yes I know it's something everyone says every year & I never stick to resolutions for more than a month (normally dieting). Which is why I'm doing 'promises to myself', because I happily admit I'm one of these people who are all for it in January & by the end of the month I'm ready to forget that idea ever entered my head! But this year my first promise to myself is to really stick to the things I've listed.. Starting off with a simple year planner. I get given one (or two) every Christmas & every year I say to myself I will use it for everything, because they are so useful.. Come to December I then find it tucked away in a drawer still brand new & I wonder why I didn't just use it, because I'm actually a really organised person. I even used to note down my work hours, date nights and special occasions in my mobile phone but in the beginning of December this year I dropped my phone & lost everything! Having to start from scratch with a new phone it really kicked me into the idea of actually using a diary & not worrying about making that mistake again..

Promise to myself no 2. 
As I've finally got myself back on the blogging wagon I really want to keep it as a regular thing because it's something I enjoy so much, planning ideas & photos I love every part of it. I've decided to create two posts a week (depending on work load) but making my Wednesday evenings dedicated to posts, making sure I'm always a post ahead so I don't fall behind & lose track again... 
Promise to myself no 3.
This is probably already a normal thing to most people but I really aim to keep my works rota inside a diary.. Alongside with pay days & days off I know it's a very simple thing, but to me it's always something I've kept on my phone & like I mentioned before I really want to kick myself out of that habit.. 

Promise to myself no 4. 
This one is probably more urgent than the others because I NEED to get this done. Its learning to drive before my birthday this year I've always wanted to drive & start learning but as I struggle with taking things in I've always put it off, but now I'm just going to go for it as I'm sick of standing in the freezing cold most mornings still dark waiting for a bus. It's one hundred percent something that needs to be done before July... 

Promise to myself no 5.
My last promise to myself is just a simple one. Drink more water throughout the day I know I definitely don't drink as much water as I should & it's not like I don't enjoy water because nothing beats getting a glass of fresh ice cold water & just downing it.. I just don't do it often enough! 

I know this post was a bit lengthy & thank you for taking the time to read the whole thing if you did.. Leave a comment below of your New Years ideas & promises to yourself i'd love to know other people's ideas for 2016! Thanks : Paige Louise xxx

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